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Posted by Jeremy K
Hi all,

I'm sure everyone has encountered this issue, and I'm curious on what techniques you're using, because I'm really struggling with it.

The requirement is simple:

I'm looking for a simple way to seamless fade out my music track to a lower volume when I start my voice-over.


I have a background music track that I trigger from ATVO at the beginning of each broadcast.
The background music starts at 100%.

I use an Antlion MOD mic to capture VO which is connected to my PC via USB.

I started using the Media Player window in ATVO to drag the volume slider down as I'm starting to speak, but I'm finding this very finicky as I have a precise % I want to set the volume while it is a background to my VO.

I have the following hardware and software tools, and have tried every combination without success:

OBS Studio (I also have the required plug-ins to connect directly to OBS, and I also downloaded the recent [Aug. '21] OBS plug-in that allows you to map audio output directly from a specific application)
OBS Studio ME (The Music Edition provides an additional Mixer board for monitoring audio output)
VB-Cable (i purchased all the additional cables: A-D so that i can have up to 4 multiple virtual channels)

My goal is to create a slider in the OBS Mixer that is only capturing the currently playing audio track from ATVO, but I have not been able to get any configuration with the above tools that will work.

I also want/need to be able to monitor ONLY the OBS output so that I can confirm all the adjust audio levels are correct during the live broadcast.

This could just be operator error as I get used to OBS and VB Cable patching, but there also seems to be some strange behaviours as the only Application I have access to in OBS is the "ATVO Overlay", and the other windows, including the Media Player which is actually the source of the audio (or, is it?) cannot be mapped to a mixer channel in OBS.

So, I'm very curious what everyone else is doing?

How do i get a smooth animation of my background audio from 100% to 25% while monitoring that result in OBS when I start my voice-over?

