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Posted by Jeremy K
hey Nick, it's definitely not absolutely necessary, but it would be very nice.

I'm going to be sharing what I built soon, and you'll see that I've totally customized the controls to look much more like an actual external A/V console. So, for me, personally, the best world scenario would be to be able to control everything from the same surface.

Even if ATVO allowed access to volume % in addition to Play, Pause, Stop, that would go a long way in letting me accomplish this.

I have also discovered another app that I'm using as a remote control for ATVO: MATRIC PC. Which is pretty impressive.

I guess I could use MATRIC to drive the audio from a stand-alone audio player, but I'm trying to minimize the number of processes on my PC as I have one workstation for iRacing, ATVO and OBS.

I'm pretty happy with the customizations I've made to your theme, and will try to reveal something soon ..

Is it safe to assume that for the moment audio enhancements aren't really on the short-term ATVO development roadmap?
