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Posted by Admin
New features:
  • Added zoom support to the Overlay editor. You can zoom the overlay using the zoom slider at the bottom, or using Control+Scroll (you may need to click the overlay once to focus it). Once zoomed in you can pan the view using the middle mouse button (mouse wheel click). You can also click the current zoom level display to select a zoom level from a dropdown. Note: Unfortunately when zooming you will zoom the entire contents of the overlay editor, including the various adorners such as the selection border, widget name display, popout window, etc. There is no easy way around this, hopefully it is not too annoying.
  • (Moved from Alpha to Beta channel): Added a new Opacity Mask feature for Widgets, SubWidgets and Labels. You can choose an image which will be used as an opacity mask for your Widget. The opacity of your image will be reflected in the opacity of your Widget. Use fully transparent areas in your opacity mask to fully hide your Widget in those areas, or use partially transparent areas to make partially transparent Widgets. This allows you to create Widgets with complex shapes (dictated by the image) which hide their children fully or partially. Please test thoroughly if your Themes still work with and without opacity masks!
An explanation of Opacity Masks can be found in this forum thread.