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Posted by Kyle H
Nick Thissen wrote:
There is no support for live Google sheets but the existing Spreadsheet functionality could already work for you with a local spreadsheet. There is a setting on the Spreadsheet called 'Cache Data'. If you turn that off, the Spreadsheet will refresh every time data is requested from it. Meaning you can update the underlying csv and it should update live. This could have a performance impact if the csv is large though, if that is the case you could consider turning Cache Data back on and using a script to reload the data at the click of a button.

Further you can set the External Filepath property of the spreadsheet to point to a local on your PC so it is not embedded in the theme but reads from a normal csv file.

I might just be speaking for myself here, but adding support for live Google sheet updating would be an *insanely* useful feature. I'm sure there's some significant climbs to get that working though.