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Posted by Nick Thissen
It depends on what you mean with "move the camera".

We support changing the car that the camera is focused on, but you can't physically move the camera around. At most you can make it "snap" from car to car.

If that is something you want, you can easily use the ChangeCamera action, with the Change Focus effect selected. This action requires a specific Value that tells ATVO what to change the camera focus to. For the Value you have the following options:
- A position number
- A car number
- A customer ID
- A relative change (from the current focus car to another one), either via "place on track" or "position".

In your case, you probably want each click of the button to jump the camera to the next car in position. In that case you can set the Value to "relative_pos(1)". This means: jump to the next position (1 more than current).