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Posted by Nick Thissen
In short, spreadsheet data can be displayed in two ways:

- Use the spreadsheet as a data source: your widget will pull data from the spreadsheet row by row, you can display column data (of a row) in a label via data binding. Select the column name as the data binding. The Data Offset controls which row to show (0 is the first row, 1 is the second row, etc).

- Use the spreadsheet with an identifier to link it to drivers in the session. Follow what Emmanuel said to set up the spreadsheet in this way. Now the first column will be used to match a row of your spreadsheet to a driver in the session. To display column data for that driver, you can use the regular data binding system (select anything else as the data source), but at the bottom of the "Select data binding" list it should display the columns of your spreadsheet(s).

To be honest, building a fully live championship standings widget is going to be very complex. Possible perhaps but not easy unfortunately.