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Posted by Admin
This release merges all previously released features in beta channel to the stable channel. A summary of updates is given below. For detailed updates check the beta channel release notes.

Summary of new features previously released in beta channel:
  • Ability to override iRacing class names and colors without using custom classes.
  • Improved Event List scroll behavior.
  • Text Wrapping property for Labels.
  • More Sorting options for the Drivers box.
  • Improved NDI performance in the NDI Recorder, and support for removing the yellow capture border in Windows 11.
  • Built-in converter scripts for common use-cases.
  • Option to remove numbers from driver and team names.
  • Several performance improvements for Theme Editor themes.
  • Improved Spreadsheet support: added Excel support, added an Action to refresh an external spreadsheet and improved performance.
  • Improved Script performance and option to disable event logging.
  • Several new Event Trigger events for local driver flags (blue, black, etc).