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Updated Web timing:
Fixed the bug where web timing was not working in the previous beta release.
Added colors to the Events page similar to the ATVO timing screen.
Added filtering to the Timing screen and Events web timing pages.
Fixed a bug where some events could sometimes not appear in the web timing.
(Theme editor) Added a Text Wrapping setting for the Input controls.
(Theme editor) Added new data bindings related to session fastest lap in the followed, standings, etc data sets. They are named "session_fl_xxx" and behave the same as the existing "fl_xxx" bindings in the sessionstate data set.
Updates merged from alpha 1.47.4:
Improved detection of "slow car" and "crashed" events:
Tuned sensitivity separately for road and oval racing.
Cars braking for pit lane should no longer be detected as driving slowly or crashing.
Added new config file for advanced users to tweak the various detection thresholds and delays. Please read the documentation on session events for more information!