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ATVO updates:
AI cars are now indicated in the Timing Screen with a little robot/AI icon.
Enabled class name and color overrides for 10 more classes, to be future proof (total 20).
Added a new column for the Timing Screen: Start reaction time.
Start reaction time is an estimate of everyone's reaction time in a standing start. It does not work for rolling starts.
The reaction time is not entirely accurate and probably slower than reality due to netcode and other factors, but at least it gives an indication of who reacted the fastest.
Tuned sensitivity of estimation whether a car is on throttle or braking.
Fixed a bug where classes were not always recognized in AI races.
ATVO Theme 2023 updates:
Added support for an optional Driver Image in the Onboard widget.
Added show/hide options for the Throttle/Brake and Gear indicators of the Onboard widget.
Added Start Reaction time as new 'gap mode' choice.
Added some more logic to avoid showing multiple widgets in the same place, mostly around the onboard, weather, battle and position gain widgets.
Fixed a bug where the Onboard widget would never follow the first car in the session.
Known bug: the Onboard widget may go out of sync with the followed driver if you switch drivers too fast while the widget is active. Please avoid swapping through drivers quickly when the widget is active.
Theme Editor updates:
Added new Action: "Set Data Class Filter" to set the class index of a widget to a specific class.
Added new binding: "ai" returns true if the driver is AI.
Added new binding: "startreactiontime" returns the start reaction time estimate.
Enabled 10 more class index choices for the Data Class Filter (total 20).
Fixed a bug where exporting a theme could package the wrong theme file, if multiple ".atvotheme" files were present in the directory.