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Posted by Admin
New features:
  • Added the concept of "External Files" for Images, Sounds, Videos and Spreadsheets. These items are usually embedded into the exported theme file, but now you can choose to replace the embedded files with "dynamic" files during theme load. A new property "External Filepath" must be set to a valid path (either absolute path or relative to the exported theme .adt file). On theme load, this path will be checked and if a file exists, that file will be loaded rather than the embedded file. With this feature you can therefore quickly replace items in your theme "on the fly" (after a theme restart) without having to edit and export your theme. For debugging please look at your Theme Event Log: this will notify you if the external file was loaded successfully or not.
  • Weather telemetry data now reflects the live telemetry and is now updated throughout the session.

Bug fixes:
  • The track temperature data now returns the "TrackTempCrew" value which should more accurately match the temperature displayed within the iRacing UI (Info tab).