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Posted by Admin
New features:
This update adds a customizable track map to ATVO. A track map is a special type of Widget (similar to a Ticker) and is enabled by finding the Track Map category in the properties of a Widget and checking the Enabled property. Once enabled, the Widget will show a live track map instead of the normal contents (SubWidgets).

Customizing the track map
The track spline is customizable down to color and thickness and you can choose colors and sizes for sector lines as well.

The "driver" points that move around the map can be customized by selecting a SubWidget as the Template, just like in a Ticker. Each driver will get one copy of your template SubWidget. You can add Labels to the template SubWidget to show data such as driver car numbers, positions or names.

Selecting the drivers to show
Along with the track map there is now a Track Map Manager view which allows you to select which drivers are shown on the track map. Drag drivers from "Hidden" to "Visible" to make them show up, and vice versa to hide them.

In the Theme Editor, the Track Map Manager is available via the menu: Windows - Track Map Manager.
In ATVO, the Track Map Manager is available via the Track Map menu entry.

Note: in ATVO by default no drivers are selected to be shown. You have to add them to the Visible list to show them. In the Theme Editor, all drivers that are in the session when you launch the Theme Editor will be shown by default.

New "trackmap" data set
There is now also a new data set called "trackmap" which returns the drivers selected in the Track Map Manager. A Widget that has a track map enabled is forced to use this data set. Additionally, you could use it to show additional widgets (Tickers?) with the same drivers.

Smoothness of moving drivers
Note that in the Theme Editor the data update rate is lowered for performance reasons, so the driver points will seem to move a bit laggy. In ATVO, the points should move smoothly at 60 frames per second.

Missing tracks
Currently not every track has a proper track spline available. For tracks with missing splines, a circle is displayed instead. We are working to update the list of tracks as soon as possible.