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Posted by Alex M
Not sure if it is something that you can do about, but, while testing this week, I have noticed that frequently, some driver names will not populate in Tickers.

I'll attach a couple of screen grabs from a session just now to the next post as I can't seem to load them in opening posts of threads for some reason. The first is a ticker during a qualification session. You'll note that data items load for everything, except a few of the driver names. The second is after I closed ATVO and reopened. All the name data is then populated.

Worth noting, that reloading the theme does not fix the issue. The names are populated fine in widgets that are not tickers.

I can only guess that because I loaded in to the very start of the race session (ie still in the practice phase) as I wanted to test a race end to end, I loaded ATVO prior to some drivers connecting to the server and this resulted in their names not being loaded into tickers. It was later in the session when I assume that all drivers had loaded in and I restarted ATVO that all the names were populated. Perhaps I had loaded ATVO prior to loading in to the session myself.....

If it is not something that anything can be done with, might be worth noting for others in case they experience the behaviour and it's not just me.