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Posted by Jeremy K
Hey Nick

I'm still very excited about the ability to import PSD file a new theme.

I haven't tested extensively yet because there was one item that would probably prevent me from relying on it at the moment. I recognize this is just the first implementation, so here is my initial feedback so far. I hope this would be a straightforward request to add:

The way I'm building my themes in Photoshop is to create a new folder structure for everything that will become it's own scene in ATVO.

So, for example, in Photoshop, I have a folder for "commentator" which has the few layers in the lower third for the graphics and text that show the commentator name, another folder for the "starting grid" that contain my header, footer and ticker elements.. Etc

One or my PS files had about 7 such folders.

When I imported it into ATVO, a widget was created for all layers, but without any hierarchy.. This would make it too cumbersome to create my scenes.

My work around was to save my PS file multiple times and have only one folder per file. Then I imported each PS file into ATVO and it created a new widget group for each file.. Which is what I wanted because then I could quickly create a scene and select the widget group.

So my feature request would be for ATVO to support Photoshop layer folders and import those into separate widget groups.

Without that, given my workflow, I don't think this feature would speed me up.

Smaller things I noticed were that my transfer mode didn't seem to come across, I had one layer at 19% transparency, but it came in fully opaque, and it also ignored PS layers that had a comma in the name (but I appreciated the verbose error that told me the exact problem!)

So, in short, I'd love to test and use this feature more and hope you can address the widget grouping request so that I can get you some more detailed feedback. :)
