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Posted by Jeremy K
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the explanation.

For widget/grouping, I wouldn't ask you to create a dialogue to group layers prior to import, as that would be a lot of work on your side, for minimal gain on the workflow side.

And in fact, I like your suggestion of flattening all the groups in PS. I really should be doing that anyway, since my goal for this workflow is to build all my overlay elements a strong graphics package like Photoshop so that I can align everything properly and make it easier to version.

But you're right. Once I have my object defined for my top 10 scene, for example, I don't really need to bring in every single layer it includes. If I just "mix-down" all my PS groups into a flat object then I will have the end result I wanted: one top widget for every ATVO scene I want to create, and then I would just add my sub-widgets from there .. which is really what i need ATVO for .. to add all the dynamic information to my overlay.

So, I just need to adjust my workflow a bit.

As for the transparency issue .. I think you're right .. I might have been using a non-standard transfer mode, like Multiply or something .. I'll work with defaults for my initial designs instead.

What I'm really liking about the PSD workflow is that I find it easier to position all of my elements in Photoshop, and so far, all the positioning is being imported correctly.

I did notice that for my main logo which I put up in the top right corner, ATVO nicely cropped the height of the widget to the height used by that layer in PS, which was nice, but the widget was still the full width of my entire ATVO canvas .. and from reading your other post about optimizing for performance, I think what I want to aim for is having my widgets only be the size of their content, as opposed to being full raster .. i'll do more tests to see what happens when I have different layers in different locations taking up different vertical and horizontal space ..
