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Posted by Kyle H
If it's a label in a Ticker it is more difficult. In that case it's probably easier to grab the reference to the Spreadsheet object (either the source file itself or if you've added it to the Theme you can get the Spreadsheet theme item).

Yes, as it stands, the label is in a ticker. Could you lay out the easiest way to pull data from a specific column? Thanks for the quick response.

I have one more question about how one could calculate if a driver has led the most laps. It's very easy to give a driver the bonus point for leading a lap, as I have done, but I guess I'd need to compare the number of laps they've led to other drivers. This seems pretty tricky to do, I had hoped their was a bool for MostLapsLed or something.

//Most Laps Led Point
if (result.LapsLed > (number.LapsTotal/2) || result.LapsLed > (number.LapsCompleted/2))

This code will work if the driver has led more than half the laps up to the current point or if they led more than half the laps in the race, but in theory someone could lead the most laps and not lead over half of the total laps. So this will work if someone is dominant but not if the lead is split among a bunch of drivers.

Thanks Nick!