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Posted by Nick Thissen
This post shows how to read data from each row in a spreadsheet. You grab the Rows property, have to do something "fancy" to get them as DataRows, and then loop through them. Then in each row you can address each column by index via row[0], row[1], etc. Look near the bottom for example in LoadStandings.

For most laps led I think the easiest way is just to sort the results by LapsLed and grab the first one. It is probably not the most efficient but it's not gonna matter, sorting max 60 items should take a microsecond or less. Something like this perhaps:
var results = sim.Session.Current?.Results;
var sorted = results?.OrderBy(r => r.LapsLed)?.ToList();
if (sorted != null && sorted.Count > 0)
var most = sorted[0];
// Do what you want with this result