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Posted by Jukka V
Edit: I should've known this was built into the current lap function itself before trying to do it myself in a too complicated manner. Please delete this before anyone else sees this so I don't make a complete ass of myself. Thanks and sorry!

Not the original post word for word but I'll explain what I was trying to do. Basically I was trying to make a widget showing the current lap time, and then showing the time for that lap for x seconds after you cross the line. I tried to do this by having a data trigger that triggers when curlap equals zero(start of a new lap). That would hide the widget showing the current lap, show the one with the previous lap and restart a timer. that Timer would run for x seconds and then hide the previous lap and show the current one. However I was unable to get this to work properly and was wondering what's the proper way to do it. I only discovered the current lap already has this function built in when I decided to test it by itself to see how it works (which I should've done before attempting something more complicated). Below are the images of what i was trying to do, except the timer is missing a function that stops it after showing and hiding the other widgets.