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Posted by Nick Thissen
Starting from version 1.25, ATVO supports directly streaming the overlay graphics via NDI. When enabled, ATVO acts as an NDI source, streaming the overlay graphics to your favorite NDI consumer.

What is NDI?
NDI (Network Device Interface) is a technology that is able to stream graphics over the internet. You can consume an NDI stream in many ways, for example via Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). Other high-end professional solutions include consuming NDI via Tricaster or similar hardware.

For our typical users, NDI may be useful to off-load streaming of the overlay to another computer on your network. Rather than placing the overlay on top of an iRacing window and streaming the desktop, you can now consume the NDI stream on another computer and overlay the graphics via OBS or other software.

Note that you may need to use additional plugins for OBS, such as obs-ndi plugin.

More information on NDI can be found on their website:

How do I use it in ATVO?
NDI streaming is disabled by default. To enable NDI, go to the ATVO settings and enable it under the "NDI Settings" tab. You can also change the name of the NDI source, the resolution and the desired framerate. You must restart ATVO after changing any of these settings, they will only take effect after restarting.

Once NDI is enabled, you should be able to load a theme and directly view the graphics from any NDI monitor / consumer.

For testing, you can download the NDI Tools, and use the Studio Monitor to view the NDI stream.

NDI performance is directly related to the amount of pixels visible in your overlay. In our testing, performance is very good when limited small widgets are visible on screen. When you are making larger widgets visible, performance may drop.

If you do not need NDI and use the overlay in the regular way, we recommend disabling NDI to prevent a performance impact on ATVO.

The screenshot below shows an ATVO overlay visible directly in OBS via the 'obs-ndi' plugin: