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Posted by Robert O
So I've actually used this in a proper context of a broadcast. for a sample, and I've gotten feedback:

The Good

The ease of use.

As someone who uses NDI sources constantly using a dual PC system, it provides a massive bonus in this category. It reduces the necessary of taking precautions in the setup I run for ATVO. I honestly prefer having the game itself as one layer (using the Game Source option for OBS), and using ATVO on another (through NDI Source)

The ease of setup and reliability.

The implementation of NDI in ATVO, in terms of the setup and reliability, is very good. OBS was immediately able to pick up the NDI data stream, and no issues even after multiple test restarts of OBS and the dual PC setup.

What needs to be looked into (currently)
Performance degradation.

There is a very large performance penalty currently using this system, to the point where the main program even using the overlay listed in the highlight above causes the entire program to reach a limit, and the program turns into a slideshow. Even after making as much of a optimization as I could (it forced me to fix a persistent scripting error!), there was zero change to the issues I was seeing. From what I can see it is thread limited, and while I know it is in the Alpha/Beta branches currently, if the performance isn't improved it might prevent most people using 1080p resolutions and NDI.

Though while performance is a large issue currently, I cannot stress enough how good the implementation is currently. Good work!