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Posted by Nick Thissen
How were you changing the order previously? Simply replacing the data in the spreadsheet Table object won't change the order I'm pretty sure...

The error you are getting I think is because you are clearing the DataTable but some rows are still being used (probably due to the existing data bindings in the widget). DataRows don't like being separated from their DataTable and you can get this error.

An alternative way that may work is to make a separate Spreadsheet (and therefore separate DataTable) which is not connected to the original. Instead of clearing the data from the original spreadsheet, you simply add it to an empty spreadsheet instead.

For this to work you should also make a separate Widget for the final championship standings. For this you use a Spreadsheet as the data set (not iRacing standings). The spreadsheet should have columns that you want to display in the standings, so probably driver name, car number, champ points at least (maybe more). During theme development you can leave the data empty, just make sure the columns are there.

In the template SubWidget you can now bind labels to each column. The ticker will create a subwidget for each data row.

When running the theme, after the race you should be able to manually fill this spreadsheet with the relevant data. After filling the data the champ standings widget should update (or maybe you have to call UpdateRepeatedSubWidgets).

To fill the new spreadsheet I think you can do just like you did before, by making a new DataTable in memory and calling spreadsheet.Table.Data.Load(your new datatable).

The difference here is that you're not clearing the data from the original DataTable, you just put new data in another empty DataTable, which is being shown in a different Widget.