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Posted by Dwayne P
Nick Thissen wrote:
Thanks for the feedback! I am aware of the performance issues, like I mentioned in another thread it is due to the fact that it's being rendered on the cpu. It is actually unrelated to NDI itself, the bottleneck is rendering the overlay into a format NDI can use.

Meanwhile I am working on an alternative capturing method which uses the gpu and should work much better. However we cannot integrate it into ATVO just yet, and it also requires a future version of W10 to properly test it (on current versions there is no transparency so a bit useless). If you see a serious usecase for NDI I would be open to sending you a preview version of this alternative mode, it comes in a separate application so you can just run it beside ATVO. I don't really want to release that publicly yet mostly as it will cause lots of confusion having two methods... Let me know if you're interested!

I'm interested to give this a try.