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Posted by Sören K
Thomas Shaw5 wrote:
Nick Thissen wrote:
Event Triggers work by listening for the occurrence of a certain event, and trigger to execute their actions when that event is happening. You have to select which event you want to trigger on via the Event Type property as I've highlighted above. There is a whole lost of events, hopefully the names are descriptive enough. Each type of flag has its own event, and beyond flags there are many more possible events. Note that there are separate events for 'Flag Yellow' and also 'Caution'. I am not too clear when which event is happening, most of these come straight from the iRacing data.

We realize we lack some documentation here and there, sorry about that. That's why we have this forum to answer questions!

So to setup an event trigger simply:
1. Add a new Event Trigger
2. Go to its properties and find the Event Type property.
3. Select from the dropdown the event you want to listen for.
4. Click the Actions '...' button (or just doubleclick the item in the Theme Explorer list) to define which actions should happen when this event is found.

Thanks I got it working I may do a video so others can see how easy it is

this would be fine im stacking in this aswell