Font Color Overrides

Posts: 4
Hey everyone,

I was told to use font color overrides, you would create a spreadsheet with driverID in the first column, and then the color hexcode in the second. I have set the data binding to reference column 2 (hexcode) to no avail. The color is still default. Is there something wrong I am doing? I have had success with standard data binding overrides.. this is the first one I've ever tied to a spreadsheet. Thanks for any help.
Posts: 785
For color override bindings it only works out of the box when you bind to a color databinding, such as classcolor or something. If you bind to a hexcode in a spreadsheet, it doesn't understand that the hexcode represents a color. You'll need to use a converter script in addition that takes the hex code and returns a Color object. At that point the purpose of the override bindings is a bit lost (I introduced them to avoid having to use scripts so much) but it will work.