Data Trigger Conditions

Posts: 29
I want to show a widget when certain driver IDs are being followed.

followed driverid 0 position allclasses equals #####

It works, except if i want to enter multiple drive IDs how do I separate them? Or do i have to have a trigger for each ID?
Posts: 785
I'm afraid you need a trigger for each driver yes. There is currently no condition mechanism that supports something like "value is in list", or something.
Posts: 29
Posts: 29
more data trigger trouble, cant understand this, notes on the pictures. 1 trigger turns on and off some widgets the other trigger does the opposite.

Posts: 785
For each Data Trigger, all conditions must be true at the same time for it to trigger.

In your first image, you trigger when the driverid is 361000 AND 335074 at the same time. That's obviously never true because a driver only has one id.
Second image you only check for one id, so that works.
Third image you check if the id is not either one of two numbers, which will trigger if the id is any other number except those two.

Basically multiple conditions in one trigger is an "AND" relationship (condition 1 AND condition 2 AND condition 3 must all be true). If you want OR relationship (condition 1 OR condition 2) you need two make two separate Data Trigger objects, one with condition1 and the other with condition2.
Edited (1 time)
Posts: 29
Ok makes sense, so for my first data trigger i will have to make an actual trigger for each user? This hurts my feelings lol. Thanks nick I sent a care package via the donate button hope you received it. Appreciate the help!