Ticker for Multi Class Sessions

Posts: 9
Hello guys,
I have several widgets with ticker for the session results. My basic ticker/widget is for all classes and than i have separate ticker/widget for each class.
My idea is to create a loop with all this different ticker/widgets.
First the loop start with all classes than class1 after that class2, class3, ... at the end of the last class go back to the start an so it again.

Anyone have an idea how i can produce this?
Posts: 785
You can execute Actions when a ticker finishes, so you can probably achieve this by doing something like:
- All class ticker finishes: hide all class ticker and show + start class 1 ticker
- Class 1 ticker finishes: hide class 1 ticker and show + start class 2 ticker
Posts: 9
This was my first idea, but then i have the problem with runtime of my tickers. All ticker start at the same time and have different length.
Is it possible to start/stop the ticker with a script?
Posts: 785
Not sure how the length of the ticker matters. It will run its actions after it completed regardless of how long it took.

Yes you can start/stop tickers with a script, I think you just need to call "yourWidget.Ticker.Start()" (or Stop).
Posts: 9
Thank you.
I can write:

IF WIDGET_X.show = True
THEN WIDGET_X.Ticker.Start()
ELSE WIDGET_X.Ticker.Stop()

Is this right?