Label stretching also affects Text margins

Posts: 19
Hi, I've got a small problem with texts in Labels. When the text is stretched by ATVO, the margins around it are proportionally stretched as well. When significant margins are used, problems like this screenshot can happen. In a ticker for example, stretching can cause the labels to show misaglined.

Edited (1 time)
Posts: 49
For that design instead of margins like you are using. I would actually back the label the size of the blue box area after the yellow and that should fix your issue
Posts: 785
You should be able to fix it by changing the label position and removing the left margin indeed.

But you are right that this is a bug and I will see if I can fix it. Probably I just have to apply the margin to a parent element so it is not affected by the stretching.
Posts: 785
Will be fixed in next update.
Posts: 19
Thanks for the reply guys!