Missing Track Maps

Posts: 66
Hey i have seen that the program cant find ofc the new Barcelona track. But also the Nurburgring, all layouts is missing
Thank you for letting us know. We need to add these manually. Add to our to-do list.
Posts: 1
New Charlotte (Oval and Roval) and new Michigan, also missing
Posts: 56
New Silverstone, Mount Panorama
Edited (1 time)
Posts: 27
Is there anything we can do to help you guys get these added in? Data of any sort?
Posts: 41
Unfortunately not, we have to take care of it ourselves. But thanks for offering your help :)
Posts: 287
Missing : NEW Lime Rock Park ;)
Posts: 287
Missing : TSUKUBA
Posts: 287
Missing : Nurburgring Industrialfarhen
Posts: 287
Jay Kennedy wrote:
Is there anything we can do to help you guys get these added in? Data of any sort?

It is a good question ! We are a little community, and we are very happy to use your system. Some of us should have some times and tool perhaps to help at their level.
For track map, personnaly I'am user of 2D or 3D graphics tools and can easly take times to create new Track Map if you give specifications of what you expect. Format file, lenght of each segment (cause I think you have need more than a simply curve ...) .....

So if we can help a little, we will be enjoy to do ;)
Posts: 785
We make the trackmaps using Blend for Visual Studio. To help, you'd need to install Visual Studio (Blend comes with it), open a trackmap image and draw a curve over the track using the curve tool. It is quite some effort and not easy to explain if you are new to this kind of editing.

We are hoping "soon" we can get trackmap data in the SDK so we don't need to do this anymore, but so far it is still missing unfortunately.
Posts: 287
Ok, does you get something like this ?
<Path Data="M130.60411,114.20235 L370.28017,111.0634 C370.28017,111.0634 372.91954,74.113933 504.88439,116.34195 636.84923,158.56997 689.63544,137.45549 647.40667,213.99336 605.1779,290.53124 655.32472,285.25212 496.96678,293.16981 338.60884,301.08749 438.9022,213.99325 296.38005,184.96167 153.85791,155.93009 211.92249,148.01227 159.13651,232.46758 106.35052,316.92289 72.039637,335.39749 48.285946,274.69523 24.532255,213.99298 6.05708,200.79661 29.810774,140.09448 53.564468,79.392364 130.60411,114.20235&#xD;&#xA;130.60411,114.20235 z" Fill="#FFF4F4F5" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="341.972" Margin="42.517,48.593,0,0" Stretch="Fill" Stroke="Black" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="694.045"/>

Posts: 785
Yes, with the requirement that the curve starts and ends at the start/finish (where iRacing puts the track distance at 0).
Posts: 287
Test with Tsukuba 2000 Full
I use picture from iRacing web track, I have to find the good start to begin the line at the good place ....

Just to add start and sectors

<Path Data="M108.453,258.4875 C127.8918,248.6391 155.1224,235.1852 184.4993,221.6599 C213.8763,208.1348 245.3995,194.5383 274.4728,180.9962 C291.564,173.0352 307.8086,165.093 318.4277,160.11 C325.8724,156.6165 330.5523,154.5774 335.0862,152.6164 C346.0872,147.8581 356.2289,143.5593 368.0359,144.0973 C379.843,144.6352 393.3155,150.0101 398.8037,163.4897 C404.2919,176.9693 401.7957,198.5537 382.443,207.1141 L377.4089,209.0407 C360.5426,214.9495 323.6372,226.0456 292.4637,237.4813 C283.0546,240.933 274.1677,244.4156 266.1665,248.3524 C228.7037,266.7855 210.6583,295.1776 188.0702,307.4742 C177.6624,313.1401 166.2902,315.3888 154.5703,318.0112 C140.8542,321.0802 126.6619,324.661 118.4861,330.7797 C103.3243,342.1267 108.8539,362.2015 120.318,369.7462 C131.7821,377.2908 149.1807,372.3053 166.4267,363.606 C183.6726,354.9067 200.766,342.4937 220.403,330.0806 C240.04,317.6676 262.2207,305.2545 277.6352,306.3738 C293.0498,307.493 301.6982,322.1444 314.724,341.8337 C327.7498,361.523 345.1529,386.2502 377.977,397.3514 C396.8541,403.7358 420.8317,405.6135 441.5695,406.0579 C456.8911,406.3863 470.4442,405.9324 484.8362,403.3491 C518.708,397.2692 557.2263,379.3947 576.2154,373.563 C578.6898,372.8031 580.8326,372.2477 582.8931,371.9161 C596.6448,369.703 606.7269,377.4607 609.4434,390.3881 C612.034,402.7166 607.9257,419.747 566.0887,425.0415 L561.4104,425.5417 C552.946,426.2593 539.1257,426.3995 523.5587,426.5766 C413.7394,427.8256 216.9888,430.9058 155.2903,431.4594 C133.5372,431.6546 128.572,431.5357 122.303,430.3318 C110.7914,428.1209 94.8835,422.2511 82.15903,411.0295 C62.50514,393.6968 50.44593,363.596 48.97192,339.7666 C47.49792,315.9372 56.60912,298.3792 66.98818,286.4789 C77.36725,274.5786 89.01418,268.3358 108.453,258.4875 z" Fill="#FFF4F4F5" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="341.972" Margin="42.517,53.926,0,0" Stretch="Fill" Stroke="Black" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="694.045"/>

Edited (1 time)
Posts: 287
Nick Thissen wrote:
Yes, with the requirement that the curve starts and ends at the start/finish (where iRacing puts the track distance at 0).

You adjust sector automaticly with lenght ?

Posts: 785
What trackmap did you use for the source? For the images I can find the path is not very accurate, and also does not start at the start/finish of the track. Especially the start is important otherwise everything will be off. Also note the start indication on such trackmaps is not always the same as the iRacing start position.

This is why we prefer iRacing gives us the racing line data so we don't have to worry about these details.

Posts: 287

Capture from iracing and draw line in the center of it.

CAD sotware export in SVG and extract the information to see if it is ok in Blend

Edited (2 times)
Posts: 287
Nick Thissen wrote:
What trackmap did you use for the source? For the images I can find the path is not very accurate, and also does not start at the start/finish of the track. Especially the start is important otherwise everything will be off. Also note the start indication on such trackmaps is not always the same as the iRacing start position.

This is why we prefer iRacing gives us the racing line data so we don't have to worry about these details.

I try this afternoon with your picture. I take it exactly here:

Posts: 287
I think some error should come from the end code cause I quickly change it by copy with that to be ok with Blend:

z" Fill="#FFF4F4F5" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="341.972" Margin="42.517,53.926,0,0" Stretch="Fill" Stroke="Black" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="694.045"/>

I have to check the correct Height and Width of my source ....
Posts: 287
Ok, this from your picture, with no marging only the line.
<Path Data=  "M16.5028 10.9914c22.2524,-9.8221 23.0772,-10.3542 23.9198,-10.6452 0.8679,-0.2997 1.7547,-0.3436 2.4598,-0.2754 1.3895,0.1345 2.073,0.7047 2.5971,1.2438 0.5239,0.5391 0.8884,1.0469 1.1643,1.7042 0.2758,0.6573 0.4631,1.4639 0.4011,2.3238 -0.0619,0.86 -0.373,1.7732 -0.9809,2.4905 -0.6079,0.7174 -1.5124,1.2388 -2.5267,1.6493 -1.0143,0.4105 -2.1382,0.7101 -4.2847,1.3422 -2.1465,0.632 -5.3156,1.5964 -7.495,2.3266 -2.1795,0.73 -3.3692,1.2257 -4.2037,1.6802 -0.8345,0.4544 -1.3137,0.8675 -2.1523,1.5905 -0.8386,0.7229 -2.0367,1.7557 -3.0612,2.6315 -1.0245,0.8756 -1.8755,1.5945 -2.5984,2.053 -0.723,0.4586 -1.3178,0.6569 -2.1647,0.8644 -0.8469,0.2077 -1.9458,0.4245 -3.0612,0.6394 -1.1154,0.2148 -2.2473,0.4275 -3.0281,0.6207 -0.7808,0.1931 -1.2104,0.3666 -1.7166,0.7055 -0.5061,0.3389 -1.0889,0.8433 -1.384,1.5391 -0.295,0.6958 -0.3025,1.5832 -0.0875,2.3337 0.2151,0.7504 0.6527,1.3641 1.1548,1.8068 0.502,0.4428 1.0685,0.7148 1.6447,0.7201 0.5761,0.0054 1.1619,-0.2559 3.099,-1.2417 1.9371,-0.9857 5.2255,-2.696 7.5637,-3.9106 2.3382,-1.2145 3.7263,-1.9333 4.7466,-2.396 1.0204,-0.4627 1.6731,-0.6692 2.3279,-0.8903 0.3474,-0.1172 0.6954,-0.2386 1.907,-0.0881 0.3137,0.039 0.6854,0.0962 2.3346,1.6576 0.4316,0.4088 0.9509,0.9206 2.2476,2.7289 0.7641,1.0657 1.7983,2.5815 4.6553,5.693 0.019,0.0207 0.038,0.0414 0.0575,0.0626 0.8308,0.9011 2.5074,2.602 5.6619,3.2642 1.4427,0.3028 3.1945,0.3885 6.3262,0.4411 2.136,0.0359 4.9139,0.0565 6.5616,-0.0109 1.5669,-0.064 2.1116,-0.2076 2.7757,-0.4082 1.9936,-0.6024 5.0635,-1.7194 7.6574,-2.7448 1.5012,-0.5935 2.8431,-1.1562 3.8155,-0.9325 1.4294,0.3289 2.0607,2.357 1.8333,3.7563 -0.1349,0.8299 -0.5719,1.4385 -1.0777,1.9286 -0.9742,0.9439 -2.2042,1.448 -5.0844,1.5562 -0.6902,0.0259 -1.4753,0.0291 -2.5041,0.0287 -2.3077,-0.0009 -5.8421,-0.0201 -8.8099,-0.0407 -9.927,-0.0691 -13.5141,-0.1551 -16.733,-0.2202 -24.5559,-0.4976 -27.6757,0.2097 -30.8405,-0.5774 -2.3433,-0.5828 -4.7112,-1.9848 -6.9835,-5.0329 -0.5696,-0.7642 -1.1332,-1.6319 -1.5547,-2.9088 -0.503,-1.5242 -0.8035,-3.6316 -0.7617,-5.4199 0.2007,-8.5827 8.2862,-9.8146 16.1821,-13.6389"  Fill="#FFF4F4F5" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="39.1582" Margin="0,0,0,0" Stretch="Fill" Stroke="Black" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75.1416"/>
Posts: 287
So it is not good ?
Posts: 287
Hi Nick, any information on disponibility of missing track?