Font type data point

Posts: 9
Is there a data point to override the font type ? I have a ticker with the car color and font color but didn't see an option anywhere to have their selected font type. If so where is it applied ?

Thanks !

Greg Leblanc
Edited (1 time)
Posts: 785
What do you mean with font type? The name / font family name (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman)?

You can use override bindings for Font Color and Font Size, see here:

For font family, you could use a script to change the fontname on the fly. If you need it to be different per item in the ticker, probably you'd have to do a loop over all items and apply the font name to each. It may be a bit tricky because I don't think you can just apply the name of the font family, you have to actually get the "FontName" object, either from a system font or from a Font object in your theme.

Perhaps something like this:
foreach (var subwidget in TickerWidget.Ticker.RepeatedSubWidgets)
var label = subwidget.Labels.Find("myFontLabel");
label.Font.FontName = FontName.FromSystem("Arial");
Posts: 9
Hey Nick thanks for the reply,

I was looking to change the font type in the ticker for each car just so it would be easier to distinguish the car at a glance.

Sounds like this may be a little too complex for me to undertake but I appreciate the help !


Greg Leblanc