Hope this is in the right place. So i tried to follow the guide i seen someone had on here and base that off how to add driver headshots. And i can't lie its not going well. like i have 0 idea on how to do this. is there a another way for a dumb person like me to figer this out lol
There are 2 ways to do it Both involve the same setup
1st way is by labeling the images as Driver Name aka Adam Chapman, Jason Allison and so on. or whatever it is for iRacing if it is Adam Chapman2 it would need to be labeled as such.
2nd way is by labeling the images as the driver id aka 23900, 114507 and so on
they all need to be the same format jpg,png and so on
From there you need to make a image box the size of all the images that you will be using so say 200x200 for the headshot size. Making a Dynamic image setup.
Background Dynamic Background path for the image folder (located in the content folder of the theme) Driver/{0}.png (or whatever the .jpg/png and so on may be)
Data Binding set to either driverid or driver name or how you name the files
This is all done in background....
After that go to data and make sure there is no binding {0:0} <--- erase that way you do not have text in there with the pictures.
One more question. If i dont have some of the drivers photos can i use a default img of this. Would i need to add it the same way or can i just make it default and not need the driver id
I've followed all the steps above and I am only getting the Default Driver image to show up for every driver. Currently all my images are named for example 24973.png
Gard if you need help ill be more then happy to help you with that. you can pm me your theme info and ill do it for you... or i can just take some screen shots of mine and show you what i did
Thanks Adam, got it working, I was naming the Path wrong by including the entire path from C:/ on instead of just the folder within the image assets. Hopefully that helps anyone else who was wondering.
Just started working on this but no luck I took out the default image i was using, I sized and named my headshots with the correct iRacing driver "Fullname" As i don't know everyone's ID number.. I have all the photos in the content/Driver folder and I have the correct path. I have only done a test by myself in a test room and checked it on a replay of a race i was in.. Not sure what i'm doing wrong..
You have to respect the case of name, James is different than james, and some special caracters are give problem. With ID driver is easy, no errors possible between 1 and 1. When you add your folder in Theme/image, think to close Theme ATVO, Restart and save your project. Because Theme Editor have to know where your picture are and save the pass.
Thanks Emmanuel but still no luck. I found the Driver Id's' Renamed the photos and have them placed in the themes/content/driver folder I also Changed the dynamic data binding to driverid I have the path as drivers/{0}.png and I have a default image set for drivers I don't have photos for.. Still not working for me..
Yes everything seems fine other than the fact of the driver image not showing up. I’ve been testing it on a replay so i’m Wondering if that’s the issue.. I will be broadcasting a league race this evening so I will know for sure then.
It is usually an issue like this yes. I will see if I can make this process a bit more intuitive and give a bit more helpful warning or error if the image is not found (instead of just a blank image).