Theme development with AI Races supported?

Posts: 14
I wonder if it is possible to develop the themes using AI Races or if there are known issues that something from the iRacing API is missing? Many things only can be developed or debugged with real data so this is an important in my optinion. This would make development easier but even with AI it is hard to debug flag issues because it takes so much time until the race starts or a caution is over.

For example I get the FlagYellow trigger working but not the FlagGreen and I am wondering if it maybe could be because of the AI race? It is the same setting like FlagYellow but does not even appear in the event log.
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Posts: 14
For example I get the FlagYellow trigger working but not the FlagGreen and I am wondering if it maybe could be because of the AI race? It is the same setting like FlagYellow but does not even appear in the event log.
It was me. Did not know that the scene will not displayed be in editor even if there is a trigger to display it. It works for me using the same theme exported and loaded in ATVO.

Here and there are little stones which I stumble upon but the editor is awesome, do not get me wrong! :)
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Posts: 785
In general triggers, buttons and most other actions don't work in the editor intentionally.

For AI I have noticed a few strange things but did not manage to find the issue yet.
Posts: 14
Okay, many thanks for the infos!
Posts: 785
I found that some driver info is missing in AI races, for example the abbreviated name of drivers. This causes our 'lastname' bindings to remain empty. I can add some logic to figure out a lastname without the abbreviated name in these cases although it may not be fully "correct". Hopefully this is a minor bug in the SDK which can be resolved.

I added some quick logic in 1.29.3 to make up at least something close to a correct lastname / initials if they are missing. It may not be fully correct all the time but at least it won't be empty.
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Posts: 14
Thank you very much! Using AI races makes many things easier. I am using it at the moment and things worked from my perspective but I have only played around with the flag triggers. Problem is if something does not work then I have to figure out is it because of AI or because of my theme.

Just because you mentioned a lastname issue I have another issue with lastname. The problem is if someones name is like John van Doe and I want only display the lastname nothing is shown. But thats not too bad because I will add a spreadsheet anyways for drivers team memberships.
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Posts: 785
Marc Wieneke wrote:
Just because you mentioned a lastname issue I have another issue with lastname. The problem is if someones name is like John van Doe and I want only display the lastname nothing is shown.
Is this specifically for AI or also for real drivers? With my latest update it should show "van Doe" as the lastname in AI. For real drivers, it should show the lastname that iRacing decided (which I don't know how they do it, we take it straight from the SDK).
Posts: 14
Didnt tested it after the update sorry. I will give you an update.