Live gap not updating live

Posts: 10
hello, My livegap was updating every few second and now it is only updating every lap if I am lucky. have not changed anything.
Posts: 10
Posts: 10
Video of what i am asking.
Posts: 10
No reply that’s sad
Posts: 785
Can you send me the theme?
Same issue.... When our car stops in the pits, the live gap with the chaser doesn't go down quickly as it should. We have to wait several minutes on the circuit for an update. But this interval is also different from our live top 20...

Edited (1 time)
OKAY, WELL... I found the problem but not the solution. I've got the live gap with the car behind but the car behind is in a different class.
I'd like to get the gap with the car behind in the same class and ignore other classes.

Here is my widget:

and the label (green txt on my screenshot above)

What I'm doing wrong?
Posts: 46
Good looking theme mate ;-)
Posts: 785
I guess we are missing "liveclassinterval" bindings. I'll see if that is something we can add.
Posts: 785
Class interval bindings are now in the beta channel. Please try them out, I think they work but it might need some further tweaking.
Thanks Nick to include this feature quickly ;)
I'll try it after my current stream and keep you posted!
Posts: 10
Nick Thissen wrote:
Can you send me the theme?

sent it to
Posts: 785
I don't see any issue and the gap updates for me. Does this happen in every session or just this one example? When it happens does the gap also stop updating in the timing screen, or just in the theme? Please keep in mind the gap only updates every ~300 meters on track so it could take a while for slow cars/tracks.
Posts: 10
Nick Thissen wrote:
I don't see any issue and the gap updates for me. Does this happen in every session or just this one example? When it happens does the gap also stop updating in the timing screen, or just in the theme? Please keep in mind the gap only updates every ~300 meters on track so it could take a while for slow cars/tracks.

It was only in the practice portion. as of the last bata update it looks to be working now.