Tickers for dummies

Posts: 16
I'll admit that I'm dumb and can't figure out how to make a ticker work, I've had to resort to doing it manually. I have a horizontal bar across the top of my overlay that shows 5 positions. Right now I have a timer that increments it by 5 positions and then I manually reset the timer when it gets to the end of the drivers. When I try to configure the ticker, I can get it to show only in the first position on the bar. I've attached an image of the top bar.

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Posts: 785
The important properties (under Ticker) for such a configuration would be:

- Make sure Ticker is enabled
- Make sure you selected a subwidget as the Template Subwidget
- Select Paging as the ticker type
- Select an appropriate interval (e.g. the default 5 seconds)
- Select the appropriate Repeat Direction (in your case: Right)
- Select the desired amount of items per page (5)

I think that's about it, and most of those are the default so I'm not sure where your issue is.

Your manual approach could work too but it would require a bit of scripting to automate it better (you could detect each 5 seconds whether the ticker has run out of elements to show and should reset). You'd basically be rewriting the ticker so that is definitely not recommended.
Posts: 16
That was wrong I'm pretty sure. This is what I'm trying now:

And here's what I get:

It does increment by 5 positions though.
Edited (1 time)
Posts: 785
What are the Data properties of the Widget itself and of the template SubWidget?
Posts: 16
Widget Data Properties

Posts: 785
Please disable "Is Dynamic" for Paging or Scrolling tickers, that is meant for Static tickers only. I'm not sure if that explains your issue but try it. I don't see anything else immediately wrong. I'm assuming there are actually more than 1 driver in the session surely?

PS "Is Dynamic" is meant to hide the subwidget in case there is no data for this particular index in a ticker. Let's say there are 10 drivers and you display 11 items with a static ticker, then without Is Dynamic it would show an empty last item. With Is Dynamic enabled that last item would hide itself as there is no 11th item in the data.

Scrolling and Paging tickers however decide how many items to create on their own, based on the data itself. So they won't create that 11th item in the first place.
Posts: 14
PS "Is Dynamic" is meant to hide the subwidget in case there is no data for this particular index in a ticker. Let's say there are 10 drivers and you display 11 items with a static ticker, then without Is Dynamic it would show an empty last item. With Is Dynamic enabled that last item would hide itself as there is no 11th item in the data.
Thanks for this explanation! Now I know why I have enable this for my ticker in the static part and thought to use this in the paging ticker too. You have already explained it to me but I didn't catched that I should use it for static but must not use it for scrolling or paging tickers. :)
Edited (1 time)
Posts: 16
That still doesn't work. I only get data in the first box, which still pages by 5 positions, but the rest of the bar is blank. Here's how I have it all configured:

Posts: 785
You don't need to create the 5 subwidgets yourself, the ticker does that for you. All you need is a single subwidget which acts as the template for all the other items.
Posts: 16
Ok, did that, same result. "Item Margin" is the space between subwidgets, correct? Here's the current config:

Posts: 16
FYI, this is how it should look:


Edited (5 times)
Posts: 785
Your item margin is very large. It should be the gap between two subsequent items, in your other examples it looks closer to 10 pixels.

If that doesn't fix it, can you send us the theme by mail? Just the .atvotheme file is enough.
Posts: 16
Same result. Where should I send the file?
Posts: 785
Posts: 16
Please ignore my large widgets; I didn't see your best practice article until I'd done all that.
Posts: 785
Michael Derby wrote:
Please ignore my large widgets; I didn't see your best practice article until I'd done all that.
Ah, but that is actually your issue! The SubWidget to be used as a template is full-theme sized (1920x1080). So the ticker creates 5 copies of it, but only the first one fits on the screen, the rest is flying off somewhere on the right of your screen.

Your template subwidget must be sized correctly, and each copy of the template will position itself next to the previous item.

The size of the main ticker Widget itself is less important, but it decides where the ticker items will go (they always start in a corner, which corner depends on the directional settings) and how many of them will be visible (by default items beyond the boundaries of the ticker widget will be clipped so they are not visible).
Edited (1 time)
Posts: 16
Ok, getting closer. Now I'm only seeing every other position:

Posts: 785
What is the size of your SubWidget now? How come the background colors for the subwidget are there, but the data is not? Are they separate somehow?

I still think there is some fundamental misunderstanding or mistake in the ticker. Take a look at this example I posted recently. It's a vertical ticker but the concepts are the same. Maybe focus on the "bottom" or variable ticker only, the example was to show how to do a split ticker with a static top part and a paging bottom part that changes every few seconds (which seems to be what you want).
Posts: 16
I used "auto size" on the subwidget. The image is not part of the subwidget, it is simply the background of the whole widget. That's how the designer designed it, so that's how I built it.
Posts: 785
What if the next page has only 4 items? It would show graphics with no data.

The ticker is designed to handle this for you. The Widget should be an empty widget with at most some background, and a single SubWidget as the template. The template represents a single item in the ticker, including colors, images, text, data, etc. The ticker then copies that template however many times is needed (e.g. once for every driver in the session usually), and shows the appropriate subset of them in case of paging tickers.

I recommend you start with a simple empty theme to get used to how tickers work first. Start with just some text, then start adding in backgrounds to the template to see how it all works.
Posts: 16
I think it has something to do with the data and bindings that I have in there. I recreated the subwidget and labels from scratch and it seems to be right now.
Posts: 16
Confirmed. I rebuilt the template for the ticker from scratch and it works as expected now. I don't know if setting the widgets to dynamic and back had anything to do with it. I have a much better grip on tickers now, thanks.