Preview: Official ATVO Theme 2020

Posts: 62
@Kevin, maybe @Drew meant the link to the theme at the very beginning of this post? (which is also broken for me). I recently directed someone from an Facebook group to this thread as they were asking about it .. so you may have more people trying to find it soon ...
Posts: 1
Jeremy Kerr wrote:
@Kevin, maybe @Drew meant the link to the theme at the very beginning of this post? (which is also broken for me). I recently directed someone from an Facebook group to this thread as they were asking about it .. so you may have more people trying to find it soon ...

That was me :D
Posts: 41
Sorry, was still early for me and I did not read carefully enough. Anyway, I can provide a new link as a workaround for now since it is not possible for me to edit the first post of this thread: click here
Edited (2 times)
Posts: 62
Hi all,

I'm making good progress with my custom theme based on the ATVO 2020 Theme (screen shot attached of my modifications to the vertical ticker) and I have an interaction questions as I progress:

- How do I change the background colour for just the currently followed driver? For example, if my camera is currently following #12 Bert Matthys in the screen shot, i'd like that background in the ticker to be a bit lighter. I'm still using the same background as in the 2020 theme, so that is controlled by W_VTickerTop ->SW_VTicker -> L_Background: Background = Static Background - Brush #66434343

So, if i want to override the background transparency only for the followed driver, is that possible inside a ticker?

.. or does the ticker mean there cannot be an override for a single driver entry? If that's the case, is there another way to build a leader board so this is possible?


Posts: 287
I do that just this month ;)

This a script, you use for override color font or backround as you want.

using System; 
using ATVO.ThemesSDK;
using ATVO.ThemesSDK.Data.Entity;
using ATVO.ThemeEditor.ThemeModels;
using ATVO.ThemeEditor.Controls;
using ATVO.ThemeEditor.Scripting.DotNET;
using ATVO.ThemesSDK.Data.Enums;
using ATVO.ThemesSDK.Data.Results;
using ATVO.ThemesSDK.Data.Session;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace Scripts
public class SC_followed : IScript
public object Execute(ThemeContentItem item,object value,string parameter,ISimulation sim)
if (value == null)

return null;
// Bind to "entitysessionresult_obj" to get the IEntitySessionResult as the value

IEntitySessionResult result = (IEntitySessionResult) value;

var foll = result.Entity.IsFollowedEntity.ToString();

if (foll == "True")

return Color.FromRgb(244,251,14);

return Color.FromRgb(255,255,255);

Tell me if it is ok for you ;)
Posts: 287
@staff impossible to edit

Return white if not follow and yellow if follow (easy to change value RGB)
Posts: 287
For color in hex system, search on forum how to use it. It is a little bit different than rgb.
Posts: 62
Tell me if it is ok for you ;)



It took me a bit of additional experimenting (which I'll detail in a separate post) .. but this is exactly what I was looking for!

Once I got your script working, I just needed to adjust the colours to fit my theme.

The first screen shot is your exact script, the second screenshot is with the tweaks to the RGB values ..
(I would still like to use HEX instead so that I can also control transparency .. but this is amazing .. thanks again!)

Posts: 62
As a follow-up to Emmanuel's super helpful script that lets you change the color for the followed car:

I'm not very comfortable with scripting yet, so I needed to reverse engineer a few things that I wasn't familiar with. I'll detail everything I did with his script. This might be obvious to most of you, but maybe it will help someone in the same situation as me:

- Open your theme in the theme editor
(Note: my customizations are based on Nick's 2020 ATVO theme .. so many widgets are similar)
- Click the Add Script button
- Name the Script SC_followed
(Note, this is assuming you are using Emmanuel's script. I learned that the script name needed to match the "public class" as defined in the class)
- Select the language C#
- Select the Generic converter script Template
- Replace the entire contents of the script with the contents from Emmanuel's script above in this thread.
- Save your theme and make sure the script compiles
(Note: I originally got errors because I was using a different name for the script than the public class
- Go to the widget or object that has the background colour you want to change and select it in the Theme Explorer
- Open the Overrides section

- Open the Override Background sub-folder
- Open the Data Converter sub-folder
- In the Script drop-down, select the SC_followed.cs script
- In the DataBinding drop-down, select entitysessionresult_obj
(Note: this is declared in the Script Comments, but I didn't understand what this meant right away :)
- Save and Export your theme
- Load the Theme in ATVO


Huge thanks to Emmanuel for getting me sorted on this .. it's a really helpful feature when switching driver context.

Posts: 287
Happy to help you.

The name of the script just have to be the same as one of the first line:

public class SC_followed : IScript
Posts: 1
Page not found on download link
Posts: 62
@Rasmus, Kevin posted a new link a few posts above .. i just verified that is still working.
Posts: 41
FYI: I fixed the download link in the initial post of this thread.
Posts: 27
Hello. I've since installed the atvo graphic and upon startup it gives me a prompt where the interval is which says: ATVO.Data.Results.EntitySessionResults, Any idea of how to fix. Sorry if this issue has been resolved already didn't really read through the entire forum post
Posts: 3
Hi Nick,

I am looking for some assistance regarding how you've done the vertical ticker.

You've got it currently so only 1 SW is required though it display's how many cars on track. Could you please point me in the right direction on how to get it to work? Thanks