Hiding parts of widgets

Posts: 46

Does anybody know if it is possible to hide a part of a widget/subwidget/label by an alpha layer or something similar?

As example:
You have a label, and set the background colour showing the following car class.
Is it possible to cover parts of that label, and make them transparent ?

This would make it possible to create widgets with custom shapes.
Edited (1 time)
Posts: 46
Ok, I've just seen the opacity masks thing now....

That will make it
Posts: 785
You can use either opacity masks or clipping. The main difference is that opacity masks are defined within the boundary of the widget (so if you move the widget, the mask moves with it), and clipping is stationary with respect to the overlay (so if you move your widget, it will hide different parts as the widget moves).

Clipping is limited to a rectangular shape for now, but opacity masks can be any shape you can draw in a PNG file including semi-transparency.
Posts: 46
Thanks Nick,

Yes opacity masks are right that what i need.
I used the search function, but I just saw your post about the masks after I opened this thread...
But anyway thanks for the explanation!