Timing Screen/Standings seems crowded

Posts: 26
I noticed that the far left of the Timing Screen/Standings seems like the margin is a bit off for the position column.. I have tried to resize the screen but it makes no difference.

Edited (2 times)
Posts: 287
You try to resize wich screen ?
In ATVO setup ?
Or in theme in your Widget ?
Posts: 26
its the timing screen, It has nothing to to with the theme..  In the settings You can adjust the vertical spacing and the text size but nether does anything for help the issue.
It's weird...
FYI I never change those settings and the display is correct for me.

FYI, the default font size is 12 points and 0 for row spacing.
As you can see my font size seems smaller and my column width wider.
Posts: 26
Jean-Christophe Bouchat wrote:
It's weird...
FYI I never change those settings and the display is correct for me.

FYI, the default font size is 12 points and 0 for row spacing.
As you can see my font size seems smaller and my column width wider.

Ok ill check that out thanks