Lukas Redl wrote:
What if you try to add a Fade In animation every time you turn on the widget?
I test some different things and you give me a way ;)
I do a simple widget / a storyboard (but it is not necessary) wich hide with value 300 --> fade off / a buton A wich start the storyboard / a buton B wich only show (no value) / a animation with fade on (only opacity) / a button C wich action animation
If I click on A --> widget fade off / cliclk on B --> nothing / click on C Fade on
If I click on A --> widget fade off / click on C --> nothing / Click on B widget show quick
So in my system, a command Hide change Visible to NO in widget and opacity to 0, to show again we need to pass Visible to YES and opacity to 1.
Is it the normal way ?