Pilot as OUT in ATVO and really present in iRacing

Posts: 287
This WE of 24h of Le Mans our TV Simracing make a multicanal diffusion, some are OK, everything OK. But some can't use completly the system. In Timming Screen a lot of pilot appears like OUT (gray color) but they running in the game. So script fot PIT is actvited and the Overlay is totaly unusable ....

My idee is the one don't work is due to too many informations need and internet can't give all. They use OBS + diffusion to youtube + diffusion to twich + mixing canal from other ....

How we can verify if it is ATVO bug or only not enought internet connexion ?
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Posts: 287

What is use by ATVO ?
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Posts: 785
ATVO by itself doesn't use any internet or local network traffic unless you use the client/server sync or NDI.

Most likely they simply didn't have enough cars visible in the iRacing graphics settings (Max Cars setting should be max: 63) or a too low connection type selected in their iRacing account settings.
Posts: 287
Ha ok, thanks we don't check this option in iRacing acount !!
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Posts: 61
Make sure to set the maximum ammount of cars to 63. I had problems with displaying data correctly due to all cars not being displayed. It fixed for me by setting the maximum cars on track to 63 (can't go higher either)
Posts: 287
Yes, the first we check is the number of driver, in graphics and replay. Then we don't think about this iRacing option of connexion type. And it is that.


You can have a look at the Theme ATVO I've done here


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