Club(s) missing

Posts: 25
Apparently iRacing has brought in several new clubs (japan, mexico etc.), some of these are not showing up with club actions. Is it possible that this could cause certain prior/older themes to not show those specific new clubs? - Thanks!!
Posts: 785
Thanks John, we will look into it. Do you know if we can find a list of these new clubs somewhere?
Posts: 287
I saw a new information : Location different from Club
A friend stay in Switzerland but is French and iRacing indicate Location : Switzerland and Club France
Look the japan in the picture:
Posts: 785
That is the Country information, not Club.

I don't believe iRacing outputs Country in their SDK, only club. So without further information we cannot give you the country. Unless my information is not up to date :)

We do support what we call "driver stats". You can download the CSV for that table you are showing and point ATVO to it via the settings. When you do that, a large number of bindings will start giving data. They start with "stats_...". I think "stats_country" is probably one of them. You will need to keep the CSV up to date however by updating it every once in a while.

Once iRacing releases a proper API to scrape this data we will build it in, but since they don't we don't really want to let ATVO do this automatically.
Posts: 287
Yes, I just precise that I don t think they change club. As japan stay in Asia. In other thread I speek about Japan that return -none- in Club .
Posts: 3
Nick Thissen wrote:
That is the Country information, not Club.

I don't believe iRacing outputs Country in their SDK, only club. So without further information we cannot give you the country. Unless my information is not up to date :)

We do support what we call "driver stats". You can download the CSV for that table you are showing and point ATVO to it via the settings. When you do that, a large number of bindings will start giving data. They start with "stats_...". I think "stats_country" is probably one of them. You will need to keep the CSV up to date however by updating it every once in a while.

Once iRacing releases a proper API to scrape this data we will build it in, but since they don't we don't really want to let ATVO do this automatically.
Sry, I need to push this up again...

Where does THESE data (see pic) from? It works only in DesignModeOFF but not with Live data.

Posts: 287
Which data you speak?
stats_country... ? I never use them but I think you need a spreadsheet to use it. As Nick told, you have to export csv from session to get stat information and use it in ATVO.
Posts: 287
I just don't know how export this informations before the end of the race !
Posts: 785
Again: all of the "stats_xxx" bindings come from the iRacing driver stats CSV file which you can download on the membersite:

You have to supply this csv in the ATVO settings, once you do the stats bindings should start working. Without the CSV they will not work.

The csv should contain the information for every driver (unless you filter the list before you download it).
Posts: 287
Thanks, We need to filtered because for me iRacing can't export csv if list is too long.