Getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error on ATVO theme editor close

Posts: 38
The attached log has been coming up on ATVO Theme Editor close.

I have checked each of my scripts and this does not apply.

I am wondering why it is pointing to a folder not on my computer.


Download logfile
Error: 8/13/2020 7:05:00 PM (UTC)
ATVO version:
Themes SDK version:
Theme version: none

Unhandled exception
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ATVO.ThemeEditor.ThemeModels.Theme.AttachEventLog(ThemeEventLogViewModel eventLog) in D:\Users\Nick\Documents\Programming\ATVO\\ATVO.ThemeEditor\ThemeModels\Theme.cs:line 555
at ATVO.ThemeEditor.App.set_Theme(Theme value) in D:\Users\Nick\Documents\Programming\ATVO\\ATVO.ThemeEditor\App.xaml.cs:line 44
at ATVO.ThemeEditor.ViewModels.MainMenuViewModel.OnCloseTheme(Boolean showDialog) in D:\Users\Nick\Documents\Programming\ATVO\\ATVO.ThemeEditor\ViewModels\MainMenuViewModel.cs:line 372
at ATVO.ThemeEditor.ViewModels.MainMenuViewModel.OnExit() in D:\Users\Nick\Documents\Programming\ATVO\\ATVO.ThemeEditor\ViewModels\MainMenuViewModel.cs:line 568
at Prism.Commands.DelegateCommandBase.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<.ctor>b__0(Object arg)
Edited (1 time)
Posts: 4
is there update on this, i am getting same issue. installed couple days ago so should be latest version.
Posts: 785
I believe this was fixed in the beta or alpha channels already. That said, it really has no impact as it happens just when closing.
Posts: 4
oh mine happens when i open iracing to test overlay. havent been able to so because of this. thanks for quick reply by the way. i am proberbly doing something wrong but did check data elements.and all seemed correct i am starting again and will test lap counter first as quickest and easiest for me.
Posts: 4
ok just tried again and its fine with lap counter but as soon as i build a standings board the error comes up when i load into a session?
Posts: 4
my bad appears to be working alright now. turns out i had to restart atvo and there was an update. sorry being a pain