How to I customize the class colour in the ticker? (Based on Nick's theme)

Posts: 62
Hi all,

I'm continuing on with my custom theme based on the awesome one created by Nick last year.

one modification i would like is to have the class colour ID in the ticker smaller than in the default theme.

In the screen shot attached, P1 is the default theme.

P2 is a photoshop of an example of what i'd like to do.

In the theme editor, I found VTicker - SW_VTicker - L_Carnum and i changed it's width to 4x40 (instead of 40x40) and i almost got effect i want, but the text label disappeared, so i'm guessing this subwidget controls both the text and the background colour.

What's the best way to separate the two? I haven't yet reverse engineered it enough to discover where that colour is controlled .. is there a script for it? I'm still digging .. but any help would be greatly appreciated ..


Posts: 62
Not sure why my screenshot wasn't attached .. i'll try again:

Posts: 62

I'm starting to get much closer ..

As I continued to reverse-engineer, I discovered that SW_VTicker-L_Carnum has overrides for Background, with a Data Converter pointing to the script OverrideClassColor.cs, and a DataBinding to classcolor

Please let me know if this is the best approach:

I duplicated L_Carnum so the top widget had a width of 4x40, and kept the background overrides, and the duplicated widget below, i kept at 40x40, and removed the color binding, but kept the carnum label

In the screenshot, I haven't changed the font colour yet, but I think i'm going to add one more subwidget to load my own custom background as a PNG below that carnum ...

Am i doing too many steps to get this end result?



Posts: 287
Yes the best way is to use Override to change color of anything like background or font . In this way you can choose color give by iracing data as databinding.
As you can see you can add script for that too, if you want to change color with some other information. In the script you have to define color by hex code with #00000, some basic color are accepted like red, black, ....
Other way is to use in ATVO / settings --> Custom classes. You can create your own classes with it own color. It is nice for League race because the type of car can be fixed, for general ATVO theme it will be a little bit difficult to do a perfect custom class.
Posts: 287
Just for informations, in some case I prefer use dynamic image directly in widget or subwiget with a simple script.