Pace and crash detection in ATVO 1.40 - Feedback

Posts: 785
ATVO version 1.40 introduces a new system that keeps track of each car's pace and reports cars that are slow or have crashed.

Pace is calculated by comparing the current / instanteneous pace to the average of the previous few laps. You can see both the instantaneous pace on track (e.g. is the car on pace right now or did it slow down?) and the current laptime delta compared to their average lap. 

Timing Screen
Pace and laptime delta are reported in the Timing Screen in the new PACE column as follows:
  • The instantaneous pace is shown as a rectangular block with different colors: purple (faster), green (normal), yellow (slow) and red (very slow / stopped).
  • The laptime delta is shown as a number next to the pace indicator.
  • Note that the laptime delta and pace don't necessarily show the same information. For example, a car may have spun several corners ago causing a large laptime delta of +5 seconds, but it is now back on normal pace so the pace indicator is green.
  • The laptime delta requires at least one completed lap of data so it will show 0.0 until the car starts a new lap. Additionally, the laptime delta is less accurate until at least one full lap is completed.
  • The pace indicator block also shows the progress of the car around the lap via a progress bar at the bottom.

The Session Events list now also reports slow and crashed cars by checking their pace. The event detection may still need to be fine-tuned to avoid false detection, this is an ongoing process and your testing feedback helps. Please let us know if there are false reports of slow or crashed cars.

The events are intended to report when:
  • Slow car: a car is driving slowly, barely avoided a crash, went off-track and slowly recovered, etc.
  • Crashed car: a car has spun or is otherwise not moving forward much, or has gone very far off-track.
  • Note that ATVO does not consider car contacts themselves as 'crash events', but the intent is to only report the crash when a car slows down or stops as a result.
Posts: 785
Explanation of the pace graphic:

Posts: 52
This has been a great contribution!

Could we have information with colors about the sectors? For example, if that time is the personal best time, make the font green, and if it is the absolute best time, make it purple.

On the other hand ... how could it be that instead of comparing the pace with the average of the last laps, I compare it only with the last lap?
crash events pace slow