Add image to the theme is not working!

Posts: 8
Hi Nick!

I'm facing a problem to insert images in my new theme.

1 - Create a new theme in Theme Editor
2 - Add a new Image (I tested with PNG and JPG files)
3 - Create a Widget (I've tested with a SubWidget as well)
4 - Go to Properties -> Background
5 - On Default Image, click in the ... button and select an image

Expected Results:

- The Default image field is not empty and the image is displayed in Theme Editor

My Results:

- The Default image fiel is not empty but the image is not displayed in Theme Editor.

How can I solve this problem? I'm using a stable version.

Posts: 287
Don't use Default Image but --> Static Backround/image
Posts: 785
Default image is for when you have a dynamic background via a data binding, but that binding results in a image that doens't exist. Then the default image is used instead.

For a normal static image (not data bound) indeed use Static Background.