
Posts: 36
I am fairly new at this, but have a question about animations and storyboards.

Simply put, I’m trying to use a Green Flag Event Trigger to trigger my ticker.
I have a time set of 500ms, at which time I would like the ticker to roll down and stay.
Right now, my even trigger works, and rolls down, but it disappears right after the animation is complete. I have a “show widget” action programmed for 1000ms after the animation, but that doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot!
Posts: 785
Double check all your storyboards and animations, including the last keyframe. Maybe there is a keyframe that makes it 0% opacity? Maybe there is another action that hides it again, etc.

The general workflow I think should be:

- Event trigger starts a Storyboard
- The Storyboard takes the following actions:
--- Show ticker widget
--- At the same time, play the animation
--- Optionally, at the end of the animation, set a condition flag to indicate the ticker is active (you can use this condition flag also to stop this storyboard from triggering a second time while the ticker is active).
- The animation should probably have a keyframe at 0 that starts the ticker fully invisible (for example: opacity at 0%, or scale at 0, etc). And a keyframe at 1 for fully visible.

If you can't figure it out, the example theme has something very similar (if not identical) so you can take a look in there.
Posts: 62
Hey Scott!

I'm no expert, so forgive me if any of this advice leads you astray :) For starters, I strongly suggest you download the sample theme provided by Nick and team. You can find a link, and a long discussion about that here:

I love the addition of Storyboards and animations (not sure how new these are, but I only started using them recently), and I too have struggled a bit getting them to work. The ATVO theme made things much clearer once I started to reverse engineer it :)

Some preliminary things that might help:

- I've noticed a bit of a bug (I guess I should report this in a different thread :) where if you have already added the animation as an event in the storyboard, and then you go back to the animation and change the duration, the new duration doesn't update in the Storyboard until you restart the theme editor (and even then, i'm not sure if it updates correctly 100% of the time)

(I don't think this would explain why your ticker turns off though, but something to check to make sure your animation duration matches the duration defined in the Storyboard event

- You "might" have a Condition conflict .. this is one area I fought with the most .. if you are Setting a new Condition Flag once you show the widget ATVO could be hiding the widget once it no longer matches the condition. One thing to try is to create two Condition flags, one for tickerVisible, and one for tickerHidden, and set the appropriate flag for each animation .. and then trigger the animation by selecting the "current" flag in the "Condition" cell where you are calling the Animation ..

Beyond that .. not really sure .. since you say the widget does appear for a moment .. so it's not related to z-index or other reasons that could prevent the widget from appearing at all ..

Download the ATVO theme and let us know if that helps any.


Posts: 62
doh! sorry .. i was writing my reply as Nick was answering .. he's who you should listen to .. lol
Posts: 36
Thank you so much guys!
After much digging, it came down to one checkbox. The ‘return to first’ box was check on the animation, which returns it to its first frame, hence disappearing.
Problem solved!