As soon as I load up my theme and I go to show my ticker, I get this attached error. My partner on the other hand does not get this error. We are running the same versions of ATVO, the same theme file, and the exact same versions of .Net. I have even gone as far as repairing my .net install and doing a complete reinstall of ATVO, however it won't work for me. The theme should allow me to see gap, interval, best lap time, last lap time, best lap MPH and last lap MPH. It stopped working properly about the time I upgraded from version 1.38 to 1.42.x. The error is awfully small to read clearly, but it says something like: ATVO.Data.Results.EntrySessionResult. Once this shows up, ATVO becomes unmanageable and I have to close it down. In the event log I get the following error from the DataConverter.cs: Error executing script: Attempt to runscript Data.Converter.cs failed as the script is eithe not compiled yet or contains errors. Again, my partner is getting none of this and we are running the exact same versions of everything (to our knowledge). The workaround that my partner has given me results in me only seeing Gap times, but we'd like to have that other ticker data as well. I am kind of out of ideas.
Oh...I am not a code guy. So it might take me a moment to reply back to code related questions. Thanks!
Hi Gary, This sounds like an odd problem! Does this happen in our ATVO Theme example as well, or just with this custom theme? If it's just with the custom theme, can you provide it, or at least the code in the Data.Converter.cs script?