How to adjust the gap data refresh rate?

Posts: 72

Hi ATVO team!

Another question that can be easy to solved, but i am stuck with that...

Our older theme made with irtvo was refreshing data for the ticker, gap and interval between driver like 2 times per seconds or so....
So i've build my overlay, data is coming from the simulator but updating soooooooooo slowly....

I'll put a youtube link to my video so you can see.

I want to understand how do we adjust that, because the livegap is not so live right now.

Thank you!
Edited (5 times)

the answer is very simple. You can't.
The live gap is - as the name says - live and it updates every 300 meters on track. We did that to reduce the noise of the live gap.
To have a small comparison: we update every 300 meters, iRTVO updates every 10 meters.
Posts: 72
Simon Grossmann wrote:

the answer is very simple. You can't.
The live gap is - as the name says - live and it updates every 300 meters on track. We did that to reduce the noise of the live gap.
To have a small comparison: we update every 300 meters, iRTVO updates every 10 meters.

Thank you very much Simon for your answer.