Imput Crontrol issus?

Posts: 66
Hey first sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but i don't know if it is a bug or just me being a noob.

But i can't seem to get the input control to work for me.

First, i add the inputs. I have called them Com1 and Com2.

Then i have made a new Widgets, and chance the data bindings to input controls.

After that, i have added subwidgets, and a Lable, under the data Bindings i can only see Input1, but the one i chanced to Com1 and were are Com2 ?? 


Edited (1 time)
Posts: 49
You must close and restart the editor after adding new inputs.
Once you have done that they should be selectable afterwards.
I do not know if this is meant to be the way or not but it is the only thing I have found that works on them.
Posts: 66
Thanks m8 yea that helped :D
Posts: 785
Yeah this is not intended but apparently the input dataset is not refreshed when you change inputs. I'll look into changing this but for now simply saving and re-opening the theme should work.