Custom classes

Posts: 785
ATVO allows you to define custom classes that overrule the classes as defined by iRacing, or create classes where iRacing has none.

Custom classes allows you to assign drivers to any class regardless of their in-sim class. Positions and scoring will treat the drivers using your custom defined classes and overrule the scoring from iRacing.

How to enable custom classes
  • Go to Settings - Custom Classes and create a new Custom Class Profile.
  • Give the profile a name and select the type of custom classes. See the next section for the difference between the options.
  • Set up your custom classes as desired.
  • Select your new profile as the active profile and save the settings.
  • Restart ATVO for the custom classes to become active.
  • If custom classes are active, a purple status bar will show at the bottom of your controls screen (unless disabled). This bar also shows any warnings or errors if there are any issues with your classes, such as unassigned drivers. Keep a close eye on this bar in any session to make sure there are no issues.

Types of custom classes
  • iRacing classes: disables custom classes and simply uses the default classes as defined in-sim by iRacing.
  • Custom classes by Car ID: assign specific cars to each class by their car ID. Drivers who drive in the same car in-sim cannot be in different classes.
  • Custom classes by CSV: assign each driver to a class individually via a spreadsheet. This allows you to assign drivers in the same car to different classes, enabling for instance Pro/Am classes.

Adding new classes
In the Custom Classes editor you can add and delete classes from your profile, and modify their properties. After adding a class you can set its name, color and text color, and assign each class an Order. The Order decides the relative speed of the classes. The lowest Order should be the fastest class.

Assigning cars to classes by Car ID:
For the Custom Classes by Car ID mode, once you created a class you can assign one or more Car IDs to that class. Make sure the desired class is selected before you add new cars. The car ID is the numeric identifier of each car as can be found for example on the iRacing website, or via the ATVO Theme Editor Data Tools. Classes can have as many cars as desired.

Assigning cars to classes by CSV:
For the Custom Classes by CSV mode, you can first create all desired classes and then use a spreadsheet (CSV file) that assigns individual drivers to each class.

The spreadsheet should have just two columns:
  1. The column that identifies the driver / entry. The type of identifier can be chosen in the properties.
  2. The column that identifies the class by name. This must match one of your defined class names.

You can create an example spreadsheet or browse for another spreadsheet to load. Once loaded, the data should become visible below.

Identifier property:
The Identifier property defines what kind of identifier you should write in the first column of the spreadsheet. You can choose between Customer / Team* ID, Driver / Team* name, Car number, Car ID, Car Name and Car Path. For example, if you select Car Number here, your first column should contain car numbers and not customer IDs.

Spreadsheet reading properties:
You can set several important properties that define how the spreadsheet is read and parsed. Make sure the Encoding, Separator, etc properties are set such that the file is parsed correctly.

Custom classes information bar
When custom classes are enabled, a purple bar at the bottom fo the controls screen will notify you which profile is enabled, and whether there are any issues with your custom classes. For example, if not all drivers are assigned to a class, a warning will show here.

*Team sessions
Note: in Team sessions, when using Customer / Team ID or Driver / Team name identifiers, cars should be assigned to class by their team ID or name, not the driver customer ID or name.
Posts: 785
NOTE: Custom classes by CSV is only available in ATVO version 1.44 and later.
am class classes custom custom class custom classes pro pro/am