Leerzeilen Zwischen Elementen...

Posts: 6

In unserem Overlay sind zwischen den Objekten, die ohne Lücken aneinander platziert werden jeweils eine Leerzeile.
Ist das ein Bug oder habe ich etwas falsch eingestellt?
Die Margin-Werte sind alle auf "0".

Könnt ihr uns da helfen?


Gruß Jens

Edited (1 time)
Posts: 6
Kurze neue Impressionen:

Das Tritt nicht immer auf.
Wenn man den Theme lädt, dann geht es oder eben nicht.
Mal so, mal so...
Only english posts please so others understand what you are writing.
We need more info about the issue to be able to help you. Right now I have no idea what the issue is. Which elements do you mean? Tickers? Widgets? SubWidgets?
Posts: 6

i am sorry, i will go on in english.
Just forgot the attachement, now, there it is.

There is one single pixelrow between every row of the ticker.
Posts: 785
I think your issue is the gap between elements?

The gap can come from a few different places depending on how you set it up. On which element is the dark background? If that is in the Labels (it appears so because there's a gap between the names and times) then perhaps the size of the Label is not exactly the size of the parent SubWidget. Check the Width and Height in the properties and make sure they're the same (also make sure Left/Top are 0).