Window Capture OBS

Posts: 2
I would like to get ATVO Overlay in a window capture, into OBS.

I load and start my theme, but in OBS, i have a blank screen.

My project is to start ATVO Overlay on my second screen, get it in OBS (window capture) and stream it, while i race on my first screen, whitout overlay on it.
Posts: 2
i try to capture this window : [ATVO.exe] : (null)
Posts: 2
You have to capture Monitor
Posts: 29
Is there anyway to get this to work in some other option?
It only works with monitor capture for now.
Posts: 49
Now you can to do the chroma key so set the background for that specific monitor to like green or a color that you don't have in your theme and then have the chroma key in OBS be that exact color so it pulls that color out and then you got the clear background again that's the only way that I can think of to get it to work without having a plug-in in OBS for it.

So in other words you add have the game and capture mode have a another scene on top of that that is the chroma key for the other monitor and overlay it that way so that it still shows up in OBS but not on your racing screen
Edited (1 time)