Release: version beta

Posts: 239
Theme Editor updates:
Live Championship standings are now supported! Read the full documentation here.

  • Championship Data Sets now also include bindings from any other spreadsheet (unrelated to the championship) so you can bind to any other data, as long as that spreadsheet uses the same identifier as the Results csv.

Updates carried over from alpha 1.53:

Live Championship standings are now supported! Read the full documentation here.
  • To show (live) championship standings, add a new Championship item to the theme.
  • Configure the championship by specifying a Results and Point System spreadsheet, and configuring the rules and properties.
  • The Championship calculation logic is handled by ATVO according to your specified rules, including support for drop weeks and various other bonus point systems.
  • After adding a Championship, it will become available as a new Data Set with championship-specific Data Bindings. You can use this to display a standings widget that optionally updates live during the race.

Other updates:
  • Add drag/drop functionality to the Dropdown item list editor.